Trades Painter: Paintings by Isaac Watamaniuk

This new body of work explores the cross section of being a trades painter and an artist. When I am out, in my work clothes or studio clothes ( which are one in the same ), People often ask me "do you paint?" The answer is always yes but I often times do not know which form of painting they are referring to and in turn, they may not know which form of painting I am answering yes to.

While at work, I use canvas sheets to cover the floors to ensure  that I do not get any paint where it is unintended. The goal of course, is to also keep tidy, avoiding getting the paint on the canvas sheets or on my clothes. Any paint on the canvas sheets is accidental splatter or spillage. 

In direct contrast, I  spend my evenings delicately applying paint to canvas to make abstract work.

The purpose of this exhibit is to dive into these canvas sheets and ask the question, are they art? If the paint were applied intentionally, they would be considered art. Does the paint being there by accident, make them any less of an artistic painting? To further propel the conversation, elements of these sheets may or may not have been applied intentionally, to further their composition and artistic value. I do not confirm or deny that I have intentionally altered the sheets myself.

-Isaac Watamaniuk

Included in this show is a collaborative piece with Stefan Ayon