Standards for Submissions to an Art$Pay Call for Artists 

1. Email subject:  “
(Your Full Name) – Title of Exhibition”

2. Images List. Attach Word document with a numbered list of your artworks which includes: Title of work, medium, year created, dimensions, and price (if for sale).

3. JPEG Photos of your work:

• Up to 10 images. Maximum 1080 pixels at its longest side and 2MB maximum image size.  

Most artists do not photograph or crop their work in a square, so the longest side (whether it is the height or width of the photo) must be a maximum of 1080 pixels.

• Name each image file with your last and first name, and the number. This numbering must correspond to the image list you submit. For example: FarwellCathy01, FarwellCathy02, FarwellCathy03.

• Upload your images to Dropbox, Google Drive or another file-sharing service and provide a link in the body of your submission email. Attached below are tutorials if you need assistance with sharing folders of images through your own personal Dropbox and Google Drive accounts. Please share the link to a folder which contains all of your submission materials, rather than sharing the link to individual files one at a time. This ensures the administrator and juror receive your application as one package.

·         Sharing files and folders with Dropbox

·         Get Started Using Dropbox in 5 Minutes or Less

·         How to Upload and Share a File with Dropbox

·         How to Create a Shareable Link in Dropbox

·         Sharing files and folders with Google Drive

4. Attach to your email a one page PDF with:

• Your full name, phone(s) and email address

• A brief artist statement, 150 words or less, explaining how your work relates to the exhibition

• Optional: any general considerations important to the handling and display of your work, and installation requirements such as unique lighting or mounting.